Home About KAS

Korea Accreditation System (KAS) is a national accreditation body established in 2001 within the framework of Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) which is a governmental body under the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE). The Administrator of KATS serves as the Head of KAS.

KAS provides accreditation for product certification bodies in the fields of electric apparatus, gas appliances, renewable energy equipments, metals, ceramics, metals, chemicals and plastics which are not subject to the current mandate. KAS joined PAC MLA in July 2007 and IAF MLA in October 2007 for products


KAS consists of the Head of KAS, Accreditation Review Committee, Accreditation Planning Committee, Training Committee, Technical Committees and the Secretariat.



  • - To improve the accreditation system in order to ensure qualitative growth and competitiveness of the accreditation service
  • - To guarantee the compliance of international standards and enhance accreditation service
  • - To properly respond to the demands by stakeholders in the accreditation service and improve the reliability and value of accreditation service, and
  • - To implement effective and reliable accreditation service and train personnel

Quality Policy

  • Korean Accreditation Service (KAS) strives to remain an authoritative Accreditation Body that provides high quality and reliable accreditation services to meet
  • customers' needs in compliance with all related Korean rules and regulations such as the requirements of ISO/IEC 17011, and those set by the IAF and other
  • international organizations.
  • ¡á Quality Objectives
  • To improve the capability of product certification bodies to provide high quality and reliable accreditation services.
  • 1. Improvement of management systems by periodically conducting and analyzing customer satisfaction surveys in order to improvequality of certification services as well as strengthen internal capabilities and resources.
  • (1) Identify the status of improvements to the competitive power of industryregarding accreditation results
  • (2) Analysis of effectiveness of certification activities and striving for further means of improvement.
  • (3) Appropriate evaluation of improvement measures and implementation of such activities.
  • (4) Periodic evaluation of industry satisfaction regarding satisfaction withcertification activities
  • 2. To ensure compliance with international standards (IAF rules and regulations including ISO/IEC 17011) and to achieve advanced accreditation activities
  • (1) Participation in formal annual meetings and expansion of interactions with other accreditation bodies
  • (2) Implementation of internal audits and management reviews
  • (3) Evaluation of the degree of implementation of improvements in order to enhance the degree of compliance with relevant standards and guidelines, an improve the effectiveness of operations
  • 3. Appropriately respond to all interests related to accreditation activities as required, and the promotion of reliability and value of accreditation services.
  • (1) Organize forums to discuss the advancement of product certification activities at least once a year
  • (2) Rapidly and sincerely respond to complaints or concerns of stakeholders and reflect them in the operations of KAS where appropriate.
  • 4. Developing human resource expertise in order to implement effective and reliable accreditation activities
  • (1) Implementation of appropriate evaluation of personnel who carry out accreditation activities.
  • (2) Establishment and implementation of annual training programs.
  • (3) Evaluation of the capability of every accreditation activity resources at least once every 3 years.
  • ¡á Policy Implementation
  • 1. Implementation of accreditation activities in compliance with requirements of ISO/IEC 17011
  • 2. Active participation in international MLA activities (IAF/PAC MLA, etc) in order to gain international recognition
  • 3. To promote the reliability and value of accreditation activities and to improve the quality of accreditation services
  • 4. To maximize the competence of personnel and to guarantee their expertise

  • The Head of Korea Accreditation System

Analysis of Relationship between KAS and Other

  • Analysis of Relationship between KAS and Other
  • Departments and Organizations
  • ¥°. Relationship with Other Departments within the KATS
  • The Korea Accreditation System (hereinafter referred to as ¡°KAS¡±), working within Korea Agency for Technology Standards (hereinafter referred to as ¡°KATS¡±), offers accreditation service for product certification bodies pursuant to Article 21 of the National Standards Act. The Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (hereinafter referred to as ¡°KOLAS¡±) under the Korea Agency for Technology Standards (hereinafter referred to as ¡°KATS¡±) also performs accreditation of testing laboratories, calibration laboratories, inspection bodies, medical testing laboratories, reference material producers and proficiency testing providers pursuant to Articles 14, 15 and 23 of the National Standards Act. It also supervises Korea Accreditation Board (KAB) for management systems including ISO 9001 and 14001 and works closely with KOLAS to ensure consistency in conformity assessment policies. No department within KATS performs any conformity assessment activity that is not in accordance with IAF-MLA.
  • 1. Relationship with the Bureau of Standards Policy
  • 1.1 Mission
  • As a policy making entity for Korea's national standards, the Bureau of Standards Policy is responsible for overall planning on the Agency's businesses. Other responsibilities of the Bureau include cooperation with international and regional standardization bodies such as ISO, IEC and foreign national standards bodies. The Bureau handles national R&D initiatives and standardization efforts. The Bureau also establishes and implements policies regarding Korean Standards (KS). In addition, it takes responsibility for development and operation of new industry and infrastructure such as IT, electronic appliances, information and communications, energy environment and cultural service.
  • 1.2 Relationship with KAS
  • Each division within the Bureau has its own functions and does not affect operation of KAS in terms of any decision-making for accreditation. The Bureau only assists KAS in some administration and budget-related aspects. Meanwhile, Cultural & Service Standards Division within the Bureau which is responsible for standards for quality management systems including ISO 9001 and 14000 makes sure that such standards are applied in parallel with conformity assessment standards such as ISO/IEC 17011, 17025 and 17020 that are closely related to KAS and KOLAS without any inconsistency between them.
  • 2. Relationship with the Bureau of Product Safety Policy
  • 2.1 Mission
  • The Bureau of Product Safety Policy manages and enforces three product safety related laws: "Framework Act on Product Safety," "Act on Quality Control and Product Safety Management" and "Electronic Appliances Safety Control Act." The Bureau operates product safety certification schemes in accordance with the laws. As an entity to make and implement policies on product safety, the Bureau of Product Safety Policy sets up inspection and certification criteria for consumer products and electronic appliances in order to protect people from death, injury and property damage resulting from the use of low quality or defective products.
  • 2.2 Relationship with KAS
  • All of the Bureau's work requires approval by the Director General of the Bureau and supervision by the Administrator of KATS and has nothing that might cause conflicts of interest with the Bureau of Conformity Policy which KAS belongs to. The Administrator of KATS always makes sure that nothing affects the operation of KAS. The Bureau of Product Safety Policy does not conduct any conformity assessment activities by itself. Laws and regulations enforced by this Bureau stipulate that product safety tests shall only be conducted by KOLAS-accredited laboratories, ensuring that ILAC-MRA accredited organizations are fully utilized by competent regulatory authorities.
  • 3. Relationship with the Bureau of Technical Barriers to Trade Affairs
  • 3.1 Mission
  • The Bureau of Technical Barriers to Trade is the official channel for WTO/TBT of Korean government and is responsible for supporting export companies to eliminate technical barriers to trade and cooperating with foreign governments.
  • 3.2 Relationship with KAS
  • All of the Bureau's work requires approval by the Director General of the Bureau and supervision by the Administrator of KATS and has nothing that might cause conflicts of interest with the Bureau of Conformity Policy which KAS belongs to. The Administrator of KATS always makes sure that nothing affects the operation of KAS. The Bureau acts as an international window to vitalize international mutual understanding by ILAC-MLA by supporting export companies and cooperating with foreign governments.
  • 4. Bureau of Conformity Policy
  • The Bureau of Conformity Policy within KATS is a devoted department for conformity-related activities. It was created in November 2010 as a result of reorganization pursuant to the Enforcement Regulations on the Organization of the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy and its affiliated agencies, with an aim to strengthen technological infrastructure for conformity assessment and facilitate export of domestic products. It consists of Conformity Policy Division, Conformity Assessment Division, Metrology and Measurement Division and Certification Industry Promotion Division.
  • Conformity Assessment Policy Division which had been the secretariat of KAS and part of the Bureau of Technology & Standards Policy was relocated to be a part of the Bureau of Conformity Policy and divided into two Divisions: Conformity Policy Division and Conformity Assessment Division. As a result, mission related to policy development, administration and logistics were allocated to the Conformity Policy Division to allow the Conformity Assessment Division, the current Secretariat of KAS, to have a better focus on assessment-related activities. The Metrology and Measurement Division transferred to the Bureau of Conformity Policy from the Bureau of Product Safety Policy. The Division of Certification Industry Promotion was created to support the growth of testing and certification industry.
  • Although the Director General of the Bureau of Conformity Policy serves as the Executive Director of both KAS and KOLAS, all the divisions within the Bureau operate independently, collaborating on selective strategic matters.
  • 4.1 Conformity Policy Division
  • The Conformity Policy Division, the leader among other divisions within the Bureau of Conformity Policy, is responsible for, among others, policy development for conformity assessment, support for MLA proliferation to facilitate international trade, administrative and budgetary support for the operation of conformity assessment system and establishing laws on conformity assessment.
  • 4.2 Metrology and Measurement Division
  • The Metrology and Measurement Division operates pursuant to ¡°Measures Act.¡± The Division amends laws and regulations for fair trade and enhancement of the industry. It also creates the standards for metrology and measurement.
  • 4.3 Division of Certification Industry Promotion
  • The Division of Certification Industry Promotion promotes and supports the operation of the KC Mark and Korea's consolidated certification system. In addition, the division manages New Excellent Technology (NET), New Excellent Product (NEP), and certification of Good Recycled Product (GR).
  • 4.4 Relationship with KAS
  • Although the Director General of Conformity Policy Bureau serves as the Executive Director of both KAS and KOLAS, there is ensured independency in the decision-making for accreditation not only between the two accreditation bodies but also from the activities of the Conformity Policy Division and the Division of Certification Industry Promotion, causing nothing that might compromise KAS and KOLAS¡¯ unique functions. The Conformity Policy Division, however, provides some administrative and budgetary support for both organizations.
  • ¥±. Relationship with External Organizations
  • 1. Korea Accreditation Board (KAB)
  • 1.1 Background and History
  • Founded under *the Industrial Development Administration in 1995, KAB was appointed by the Ministry of Industry and Energy to be an accreditation body for EMS in 1996 and for QMS in 1997, respectively. It became a member of PAC MLA and IAF MLA in 1999.
  • *Note: The Industrial Development Administration is a predecessor of the Agency for Technology Standards.
  • 1.2 Mission
  • The key responsibilities of KAB include accreditation of certification bodies for QMS, EMS, OHSMS, ISMS in accordance with ISO/IEC 17021 and for auditors in accordance with ISO/IEC 17024.
  • 1.3 Relationship with KAS
  • KAB performs different activities from KAS which accredits products. The former is a private voluntary organization affiliated with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy while the latter is a governmental body within the Korean Agency for Technology Standards under the Ministry. KAS and KAB are completely independent of each other in terms of budget and organizational structure. KAB¡¯s CEO is different from that of KAS. In addition, the two bodies¡¯ accreditation marks are different and are applied independently.
  • For harmonization in their policies and procedures, however, they maintain close cooperation on many occasions.
  • 2. Korea Association of Standards and Testing Organization (KASTO)
  • 2.1 Background and History
  • Founded in 1990 under Article 40 of the Measures Act and Article 18 of the Enforcement Decree of the National Standards Act, KASTO performs activities to promote the development of precise measurement technology and test and inspection technology and the growth of the metrology and measurement industry aiming at efficient dissemination of national measurement standards.
  • 2.2 Mission
  • The mission of KASTO is to fulfill state-assigned initiatives for the improvement of national measurement capability, which includes promotion of the use of International System of units.
  • 2.3 Relationship with KAS
  • KASTO supports KAS¡¯ accreditation activity by offering training courses for evaluators, certification manager and quality manger as a KAS-designated training institute.
  • In addition, as Cooperation Organization for Standards Development(COSD), it acts to develop national standards in measurement.
  • 3. Conformity Assessment Bodies and Other Customers
  • 3.1 Relationship with KAS
  • In order to secure sound operation of accreditation schemes, KAS makes sure that representatives from CABs and CABs¡¯ customers participate in the process of accreditation activity ranging from policy development to the establishment and revision of operational criteria, and assessment through in its committees including the Accreditation Steering Committee, the Accreditation Committee and each Technical Committee. It also makes all information on accreditation procedures and draft operation criteria publicly available, and receives input and feedback via various channels including public hearings and web sites so that the needs of stakeholders including CABs and CABs¡¯ customers can be fully taken into account.
  • ¥². Next Steps
  • KAS will share this relationship analysis report through its web site, distribute it via email and receive feedback from stakeholders including the divisions within the KATS, regulatory authorities, KAB, KASTO and CABs' customers to maintain KAS¡¯ impartiality and efficiency.